Caledonian movement made the researched area exposed to the air and was eroded more than 100 million years 加里东运动使研究区暴露地表,遭受风化剥蚀长达100ma以上。
However , the true reason that markit slope are so steep is due to intense tectonic movement of late himalayan . as concerned as this hydrocarbon source regional evolution , the key tectonic movements for hydrocarbon accumulation can be divided into three stage : ( 1 ) middle - late caledonian movement ; ( 2 ) late - terminal hercynian movement ( 3 ) late himalayan movement 给合本区的烃源岩演化史,对本区油气运聚成藏关键性的构造运动有三期:中晚奥陶的伽里东中晚期运动;早晚二叠的海西晚、末期运动喜马拉雅晚期。